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We are currently liaising with the council about this year's event. Check back in due course for more details. Or see our facebook page.

Run4Refugees is a sponsored run event in aid of refugees. It is solely organised by volunteers, from Churchcentral Birmingham.

See course details. Arrival and registration is from 11:15. 


You can run or walk either 5K or 10K. There will be a entrance fee (refugees go free). Sign up is BELOW, and is also available on the day. 


The entrance fee is £10 for adults and £5 for concessions (students, U18s and over 60s). 100% of this money goes to Restore, please give more if you can! We are volunteers and take no money from this event.

Entrance fee is payable on the day, in cash, or you can pay via the online giving page, clearly stating in the reference your initials and 'REG FEE'



We hope to raise lots of money for refugees, the fundraising page has more details on how to do this. For more information about the charities and where the money is going to, see the charities page. 


If you don't want to run, please consider coming to support, either as a spectator or as a voluntary run marshall (email 

Click here for tips and advice about preparing for and running a race, such as what to eat and what to wear. Please bring your own water. Although limited free water and sugary sweets will be provided - to keep you hydrated and to give you that energy buzz! Please dress according to the weather.

Further Information
  • There will be representatives from the charities and stands with more information at the event. Please check out their stalls by the bandstand.

  • Toilet facilities are available near the bandstand, at the MAC and the tea room in the park.

  • Parking is available at the MAC car park or Russel Road car park. These are both 'Pay and Display' car parks. It is recommended that you walk/cycle if possible, or use public transport. Parking is also available in the roads surrounding the park.

  • There will be no medals at this event - we aim to keep costs low (organisers covering the costs), so that 100% goes to charity.

  • Children can run, but have to be within 2 metres of an adult at all times. All are welcome to come and support. 

Sign up/more information

Give your details in the box on the right, to sign up or ask a question (see FAQ page 1st).


If signing up, please clearly state SIGN UP in the message subject line! Please also give an emergency name and contact number.

You may also include the distance you want to run (optional, non-binding and just for our records).



Use this hashtag on twitter or Instagram - share your preparation, pre-run or post-run photos!

Thank You and Good Luck!

Thank You! We will be in touch shortly with more information. Please check your junk folder!

© 2019 Fundraising: #Run4Refugees. Created by James Ashley with

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